September 15, 2023

Notion Alternative for Gaming Brands – Creative Marketing UA

Specialized asset management for gaming brands: Ship ads 10x faster.

Specialized asset management for gaming brands: Ship ads 10x faster.

The Limitations of Generalized Ad Project Management Platforms

Notion's adaptability is celebrated as a multiversal project management platform across many business landscapes. However, when it comes to the intricate dynamics of marketing in the field of gaming - with its layered ad campaigns, creative ideation, and meticulous asset management - a more specialized tool is required. Ad Creative Producers, UA teams, and Media Buyers desire a platform that's not just another generalized tool but is laser-focused on the gaming ad sector's particular workflows.

What Sets Focal Apart for Gaming Brands

Asset library: Innovative Creative Asset Management

Focal stands out with its sophisticated approach to asset organization. Powered by AI-driven search functionalities and industry-centric metadata filters, brands find it effortless to navigate and classify their assets. With Focal, isolating assets according to ad placements, campaigns, or performance metrics is straightforward. The platform's tailor-made metadata features offer an unmatched depth, truly attuned to the gaming ad industry's subtleties.

Read more: Focal Asset library

Collaboration with Focal's Media Player

Distinctive in its offering, Focal's media player is equipped with avant-garde collaborative features. Gaming brands can deep-dive, examining creatives at a detailed, frame-by-frame basis, ensuring feedback is accurate and direct. This micro-level precision eliminates ambiguity and ensures every piece of feedback correlates directly to its intended reference.

Read more: Focal Media player

Smart Media Mockups for Authentic Visualizations

Visual representation is paramount in the gaming realm. Focal’s media mockups skillfully simulate how ads manifest across diverse digital platforms. Whether it's Instagram reels or TikTok in-feed content, brands get a comprehensive visualization, ensuring their creatives are spot-on every instance.

Focal’s Creative Boards: The Epicenter of Project Management

At the core of Focal's offering are the Creative Boards, meticulously designed for gaming brands. Creative boards are similar to Notion's databases, but crafted for Marketing and Design teams working in the field of Gaming.These boards enrich and expedite the creative process. Be it liaising with internal teams or collaborating with external freelancers and agencies, interactions are seamless. Focal's boards, with their columns and cells mirroring the gaming ad landscape's pivotal elements, also offer the flexibility of switching between board and spreadsheet views.

Advanced Integrations for Smooth Collaborative Dynamics

Synchronizing Teams with Slack Integration

Focal's seamless integration with Slack has transformed how brands collaborate. This integration results in palpable efficiency boosts. When inputs or comments are made within Focal, users are promptly notified with contextual Slack alerts. Consequently, team members can react directly via Slack, reducing the need to alternate between platforms incessantly.

Read more: Focal Integrations


The intricate realm of gaming advertising cannot be effectively managed with generalist tools like Notion, irrespective of their capabilities. Focal, tailored with precision for the gaming ad world, captures the fine nuances that often go unnoticed by more generic tools. Leveraging generalized platforms can result in overlooked nuances and misdirected strategies. With Focal, gaming brands have a partner that truly comprehends and caters to their specialized needs, underscoring the indispensability of niche tools in this domain

What is Focal?

Focal is a creative asset management platform perfect for asset-heavy teams. With Focal, you can ship effective ads 10x faster.

Our key features are an AI-powered search for creative assets, advanced media mockups, and collaborative docs designed for marketers. All features in Focal are seamlessly connected with Slack and Figma, so you don't need to waste time on manual copy+paste.

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